Watering Hole


Clear cacophony

Rumbling rhythm on a vast plain

Dance for a downpour



Its vast, ominous descent

Clears the air with rain


Drops of clear water

Ripple in the vast body

A thirst still not quenched


Two word prompt (Vast, Clear) from RonovanWrites’ Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge

13 thoughts on “Watering Hole

  1. Dance for a downpour indeed. I remember a summer here, in the mid-1970s, during which there was no rain. The grass turned brown, trees died, not accustomed to or able to withstand the drought. Rain is almost always welcome.

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    1. I live in drought country (Australia). We had a storm a few days ago though that partially filled our dam and topped uo our rainwater tanks. Living without a town water supply makes you appreciate each drop!

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      1. In 1932, 1970 and 1976, the Red River, on which our city relies for water had low water readings of 0.0 feet. Our record flood crests are approx. 40 and 41 feet (1997 and 2009). Largest city in North Dakota USA. The low numbers make me really nervous. Had a friend teaching in Sydney, maybe 10 years back. Heard about the fires. Scary. One hopes for enough and in moderation.

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    1. Thanks Jane. I hadn’t thought of animals at a watering hole while writing it- I went at it from a human perspective of wanting water for our dam. When i found the pic, it shifted the perspective and inspired the title.


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