
Photo of a cat walking along a port microfiction prompt sonya's three line tales, flash fiction
Photo by Timothy Meinberg

Slinking with a swagger,

he’d dressed right for every occasion:

dappled patches for climbing trees,

streaks stripping paint from balancing beams,

sunburst polka dots of little girls

who dared come close,

and at home in the hessian tones of the captain’s embrace.


Content in all his coats save for the blues of the glistening sea-

he’d failed to shake those drops off when disembarking number nine.


Aquatic hues

haunt the patina of his bronzed likeness,

unravelling his immortal coil between the




he never sleeps- perchance to dream and lose his footing.


Inspired by Sonya’s Three Line Tales, Week 70 and after the initial concept, inspired further by a ferret down an online rabbit hole that made me stumble and trip on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I do not claim to have read Hamlet in its entirety but was pleased with how parts of his soliloquy worked with my idea.

16 thoughts on “Eternity

      1. Ha yes I’d googled it after you initial comment and assumed it wasnt the viking. I’ll keep an eye out for it at the library and second hand book shops. Thanks- always good to get children’s book recommendations.


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