Half a Haibun 4

half a haibun 4 quest for depth collaboration haibun with marissa bergenThe distinctive hips of swagger
Hair like Slash, moves like Jagger
Surely there is more to me
Than sex and drugs and what you see
A second thought, a need for pause
A giving to a needy cause
Revealed within the spotlight’s beam
I’m just as shallow as I seem.

cosmic zeitgeist pulse
launch of a fragile ego
orbit Trappist-1
soar high, ultra-cool dwarf star!
detractors light years away…

Tanka inspired by Marissa Bergen’s poetic prose. Marissa is a poet, music writer, musician and rock and roll supermum. She is one of the first blogging connections I made and I will always look back on my early days of motherhood and blogging and remember how Marissa’s posts  made me laugh at 1 am, 3 am, 3:20 am, 4:53am etc for close to a year (they’re the times when I read, not the frequency of her posting…I no longer read her posts at wtf o’clock). Marissa really shines in her recent turn as a music journo, complimented by her knowledge and first-hand experience in the world of music, having been a rock star since the earlier part of her misspent youth, and still burning the flame penning lyrics and making music with her family band The Cheesbergens. I would put a link to Marissa’s chapbook right here if she hurried up and created it 🙂 Thanks Marissa!

Half a Haibun is an ongoing (and occasional) feature here at 10000hoursleft. A collaborative project with bloggers I admire- they write the prose that I then use as inspiration for a tanka or haiku. The intention being that together, we’ll create a whole; 2 halves converging to add a richness and complexity to one another, in the form of a haibun.

Others in the series:

Half a Haibun 1: The Unhappy Wife (with K E Garland)
Half a Haibun 2: Shack (with Robert Okaji)
Half a Haibun 3: Naomi (with Leslie Reese)

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