Sound Proof

photo by Steven Wei, used to as a wirting prompt for a three line tale. City towers photographed from the ground up, looking to the sky
Photo by Steven Wei

Gravity’s forceful insistence on my descent was greater than my life force’s argument for preservation.

Like a leaf that had relinquished a connection to its tree, I was floating; perhaps gracefully to onlookers in the towering blocks, a speck in the vast air, screams unheard through glass and concrete.

There was no replay of life in my mind’s eye, neither unpleasant memories nor nostalgic recollections, so I turned to change my view and watched life receding from the sky.


Well, one thing led to another and here I am posting in response to Sonya’s Three Line Tales, Week Thirty Two.

33 thoughts on “Sound Proof

    1. Thank you so much for reading. Your comment has made me smile, cause I sometimes get that feeling when I read the response of others and it is impossible to shake their take of it from my consciousness- for that reason I don’t read other entries until I have written my own. Thanks again 🙂

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      1. I agree — I don’t even look at the titles of other bloggers submissions until I’ve written my own 😉 It’s too easy to veer from my first instinct — and I prefer to give my first take, then enjoy the perspectives of others!

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    1. Thanks mGm 🙂 Hoping I can work up to sustaining this kind of reaction for a novel length number of 3 lines. Now how many lots of 3 lines in a novel. 100 ish pages….about 50 lines to a page, oh no is that right? ooops, sorry- got lost in a train of thought. Thanks again mGm. I’m doing a mass comment response session right now, so I’ll catch you in the next comment 🙂

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  1. Mek, when I first read this I thought it had echoes of 9/11. On re-reading I see it is to do with something else completely. There’s a kind of irony that you posted it the day before 9/11. Something in the air, I wonder? (No pun intended).

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    1. Hey, well observed. I hadn’t been thinking 9/11 when I started writing but after (or maybe while) describing the descent, the haunting image of bodies flying/falling through the air came to mind. I read an interview with a surviver who described seeing the bodies and although I can’t remember what they actually said, the feeling on reading it has stayed with me.

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